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We think this video of LuWanna sharing her story about experiencing homelessness and overcoming her situation with assistance from Horizon House is a great introduction to what we do. Video is courtesy of Eli Lilly and Company.

From shelter for a day…
to stability for a lifetime 

[typography font=”Cantarell” size=”28″ size_format=”px” color=”#dead18″]Horizon House[/typography]  is the only secular resource center in Indianapolis that provides across-the-board services – on site and on the street – to help all people who are homeless build more stable, secure lives.

We provide a path out of homelessness – and do it with hospitality, dignity and respect.

In 2016, we welcomed 3,373 individuals experiencing homelessness (we call “neighbors”).

With an average of over 40,000 visits to our facility, we provide access to everyday needs like showers, laundry, mail and more – things overnight shelters don’t always offer. We spend time learning who our neighbors are and where they want to go, then give them guidance and services to help them get there. With essential services like:

  • Shower & laundry facilities
  • Telephones & mail delivery service
  • Employment program & computer lab
  • Case management & housing programs
  • Veteran services
  • Street outreach
  • Co-located medical, mental health and legal services
  • And More!

If you would like more information, please review our website or Contact Us.

Recently Horizon House was included in a story about Penn Place, a permanent supportive housing model for chronically homeless individuals. In this Housing First model, individuals get housed and then have supportive services on site. We provide case management for residents. Here is a clip from the story by Maureen Gilmer of the Indy Star which ran on Feb. 22, 2016: