Finding HOME…LuWanna inspires

From left to right Justin Swanson, Board member; Teresa Wessel, Executive Director; Jeff Miller, City Councilman; and Scott Krieder, City Councilman
The backbone of Horizon House’s existence is its donors. So to show our gratitude, nearly forty supporters and friends filled the room for a Donor Appreciation Event, recently held, at Harry and Izzy’s Restaurant, downtown.
The occasion gave Horizon House the opportunity to showcase the ways we serve those who are homeless in the Indianapolis community. The evening’s featured speaker was former neighbor and current Board member, LuWanna Scott.
With the undivided attention of our donors and friends in the room, LuWanna described how she overcame the trials and tribulations of being homeless and the life-sustaining role Horizon House has played in her success to prevail. No matter how often she shares her story, the words still resonate and inspire.
By supporting Horizon House services, our valued donors—those present that evening, and those not—play a vital role in helping us fulfill our mission to move our neighbors from shelter for a day to stability for a lifetime.