Charles was living in Texas. Sadly, he lost his first wife to illness and his brother-in-law/friend to illness. Looking for a new start, he decided to move to Indianapolis.
While in Texas, Charles had met and was friends with Kendra. They corresponded by email and by phone. Charles slowly overcame his grief and was ready to take a chance with someone new. When it became clear their relationship was growing, Kendra decided to move to Indianapolis too. Happily, Charles and Kendra made their commitment official by getting married.
Part of being a couple is persevering together. Charles and Kendra did not imagine that would mean navigating their existence as being homeless. However, the couple made the best of the situation. They lived at an encampment with others experiencing homelessness. They visited Horizon House to do their laundry, take showers, receive their mail and to utilize Eskenazi Health Pedigo Health Center for medical and mental health needs. Fortunately, they had each other for support and a reason to hope.
Despite the complications of being homeless, Charles obtained a part-time position. He hopes to move to full-time employment with the opportunity to get benefits for himself and his wife. Kendra entered into a program to become a social worker so she can work with children. As they worked on the parts of their lives they could, they also met with a Case Manager who helped them find an opportunity to be housed. This was very welcomed news! Accordingly, they started the process of looking at apartments to find a real home. Although, their journey had not been easy it was finally all coming together.
Kendra says, “Working with Horizon House has been a positive experience for us. Everyone is very supportive.” Being homeless is a situation that not everyone can understand. Kendra and Charles felt there was a stigma to being homeless. That’s why they were thankful for a place like Horizon House. Charles said, “We want to move forward with our lives, be independent and not have to rely on assistance from agencies. It’s really tough not having a place to call home.”
Now, Kendra and Charles look forward to their future and to making a home. No matter what else may happen in their lives, they know they have each other.