Horizon House is proud to have the Job Readiness Training (JRT) program for neighbors who are ready to become employed. JRT begins with an individual employment consultation to identify the neighbor’s vocational interests and assets for employment. Barriers to employment are also discussed so that problem solving strategies can be considered.
JRT includes workshops where neighbors truly become job candidates. One of the main elements of the program is to help develop confidence in job candidates so they are secure in knowing the skills they have to offer a potential employer. After going through homelessness, the experience can take a heavy toll on an individual’s self-esteem. Furthermore, the Employment Staff creates a customized, professional resume for each job seeker and individual employment coaching is available to maximize job search efforts.
Employment Services Coordinator, Carol, works with employers to remain knowledgeable about hiring trends and to receive announcements about job openings which are posted in the Employment Lab. One recent seminar was “Conquering the Interview” by Express Employment Professionals. Job candidates were able to hear valuable content about how to address their strengths, weaknesses and other interview questions successfully. It was a great experience.

In addition to seminars, the JRT program provides other benefits to participants. Job seekers enjoy a hot lunch daily to promote good nutrition that can improve stress tolerance and productivity. In addition, there is a dedicated phone line in the room so if someone does not have a means of communication, they can use that phone number. Professional clothing is provided to job candidates from the donated clothing we receive from the community. Bus passes for scheduled interviews and career fairs are given to job candidates, as well as ten days of transportation assistance when a neighbor secures employment. Partners like Woodforest National Bank conduct mock interview sessions for job seekers and Financial Literacy training for newly hired individuals.
We are happy to report that last year 143 jobs were secured by neighbors in JRT. A remarkable success and direct path for neighbors to reach self-sufficiency.
If your organization can offer seminars for successfully working in your industry, please consider offering it for our job candidates. Please contact Carol at (317) 396-6369 or email her at [email protected]